Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Jalen, The Gluten Free Cat

We adopted this cat from the Denver Dumb Friend's League after my cat, Kitty died. We had Kitty for 14 years and we missed her. We decided to get another cat to keep our other kitty, Simba company. This cat's name was Tyler when we took him home. Since he didn't look like a Tyler we changed his name to Sammy. That was fine for the first two years we had this cat. Then I started noticing that when I called my son, Jalen, the cat always showed up. His name is now Jalen. He will still answer to Sammy but in a less than enthusiastic manner. As if he is trying to be compliant, an unusual trait in a cat.

A few years ago I made some delicious gluten free (not casein free) oatmeal raisin cookies for my husband. A few straglers were remaining in a ziploc baggie in the kitchen. I noticed they disappeared but chalked it up to my husband taking them to work. As I am vaccuuming the house, I find a familiar baggie that had been ripped open by sharp teeth and it contained half eaten oatmeal raisin cookies. Who was protecting his loot, but Jalen the cat? Mind you he has never stolen gluten laden oatmeal raisin cookies.

Last year, I left a loaf of gluten free bread on the kitchen counter. What cat would steal a loaf of bread, none that I had ever had? Of course, if it was a packet of raw meat, I wouldn't leave it unguarded, but I felt safe with bread. About 10 minutes later I hear a thud on the kitchen floor and I see the cat dragging the loaf of bread toward the basement steps. I stole his booty from him all to the disappointed he expressed with his eyes and crest fallen face.

So, now we don't leave any gluten free treats out for long or unsupervised in Jalen's presence. We do however leave gluten laden foods out on the counter that he never touches. Hmmmm.... And, yes he eats gluten free cat food.

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